* @description The enumeration values of supported event names.
* NOTE: It has to be same with native module's event names.
* @see [getConstants](https://reactnative.dev/docs/native-modules-ios#exporting-constants)
* @see [Sending Events to JavaScript](https://reactnative.dev/docs/native-modules-ios#sending-events-to-javascript)
* @typedef {Record<string, string>} EventType
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} CONNECT The event that returns whether the scooter is connected.
* @property {string} DISCONNECT The event that returns whether the scooter is disconnected.
* @property {string} INITIALIZE The event that returns whether the scooter is initialized.
* @property {string} IOT_INFO The event that contains condition about the scooter's IoT information.
* @property {string} VEHICLE_INFO The event that contains condition about the scooter's vehicle information.
* @property {string} LOCK The event that returns whether the scooter is locked.
* @property {string} UNLOCK The event that returns whether the scooter is unlocked.
* @property {string} OPEN_COVER The event that returns whether the scooter's cover is opened.
* @property {string} OPEN_SADDLE The event that returns whether the scooter's saddle is opened.
* @property {string} OPEN_TAIL_BOX The event that returns whether the scooter's tail box is opened.
export var EventType;
(function (EventType) {
EventType["CONNECT"] = "ConnectResult";
EventType["DISCONNECT"] = "DisconnectResult";
EventType["INITIALIZE"] = "InitializeResult";
EventType["IOT_INFO"] = "IoTInfoResult";
EventType["LOCK"] = "LockResult";
EventType["OPEN_COVER"] = "OpenCoverResult";
EventType["OPEN_SADDLE"] = "OpenSaddleResult";
EventType["OPEN_TAIL_BOX"] = "OpenTailBoxResult";
EventType["UNLOCK"] = "UnlockResult";
EventType["VEHICLE_INFO"] = "VehicleInfoResult";
})(EventType || (EventType = {}));