
import { NativeEventEmitter, NativeModules, Platform } from 'react-native';
import { eventName, VERSION, NAME } from './NativeStepCounter';

/* A way to check if the module is linked. */
const LINKING_ERROR = "The package '@dongminyu/react-native-step-counter' doesn't seem to be linked. Make sure: \n\n" +{
  ios: '- You have run `pod install` in the `ios` directory and then clean, rebuild and re-run the app. You may also need to re-open Xcode to get the new pods.\n',
  android: '- You have the Android development environment set up: ``',
  default: ''
}) + '- Use the "npx react-native clean" command to clean up the module\'s cache and select the ' + '"watchman", "yarn", "metro", "android", "npm" options with comma-separated. ' + 'Re-Install packages and re-build the app again .' + '- You rebuilt the app after installing the package\n' + '- You are not using Expo Go\n' + 'If none of these fix the issue, please open an issue on the Github repository: ' + '`';
 * We keep TurboModuleManager alive until the JS VM is deleted.
 * It is perfectly valid to only use/create TurboModules from JS.
 * In such a case, we shouldn't de-alloc TurboModuleManager if there
 * aren't any strong references to it in ObjC. Hence, we give
 * __turboModuleProxy a strong reference to TurboModuleManager.
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see
// @ts-ignore
const isTurboModuleEnabled = global.__turboModuleProxy != null;
const StepCounterModule = isTurboModuleEnabled ? require('./NativeStepCounter').default : NativeModules.StepCounter;

 * A module that allows you to get the step count data.
 * `CMStepCounter` is deprecated in iOS 8.0. Used `CMPedometer` instead.
 * @property {number} floorsAscended - The number of floors ascended during the time period. iOS Only.
 * @property {number} floorsDescended - The number of floors descended during the time period. iOS Only.
 * @property {string} counterType - The type of counter used to count the steps.
 * @throws {Error} LINKING_ERROR - Throws Error If global variable turboModuleProxy is undefined.
 * @example
 * import { StepCounter } from '@dongminyu/react-native-step-counter';
const StepCounter = StepCounterModule ? StepCounterModule : new Proxy({}, {
  get() {
    throw new Error(LINKING_ERROR);
const StepEventEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(StepCounter);
export const isSensorWorking = StepEventEmitter.listenerCount(eventName) > 0;

 * Transform the step count data into a more readable format.
 * You can use it or directly use the `StepCountData` type.
 * @param {StepCountData} data - Step Counter Sensor Event Data.
 * @returns {ParsedStepCountData} - String Parsed Count Data.
export function parseStepData(data) {
  const {
  } = data;
  const dailyGoal = 10000;
  const stepsString = steps + ' steps';
  const kCal = (steps * 0.045).toFixed(2) + 'kCal';
  const endDateTime = new Date(endDate).toLocaleTimeString('en-gb');
  const startDateTime = new Date(startDate).toLocaleTimeString('en-gb');
  const roundedDistance = distance.toFixed(1) + 'm';
  const stepGoalStatus = steps >= dailyGoal ? 'Goal Reached' : `${steps}/${dailyGoal} steps`;
  return {
    dailyGoal: stepGoalStatus,
    calories: kCal,
    startDate: startDateTime,
    endDate: endDateTime,
    distance: roundedDistance

 * If you're using a method or property that's not available on the current platform, throw this error.
 * @param {string} moduleName The name of the module.
 * @param {string} propertyName The name of the property.
 * @returns {Error} The error.
 * @example
 *  if (!StepCounter.startStepCounterUpdate) {
 *     throw new UnavailabilityError(NativeModuleName, eventName);
 *  }
class UnavailabilityError extends Error {
  constructor(moduleName, propertyName) {
    super(`The method or property ${moduleName}.${propertyName} is not available on ${Platform.OS}, ` + "are you sure you've linked all the native dependencies properly?");
    this.code = 'ERR_UNAVAILABLE';

 * Returns whether the stepCounter is enabled on the device.
 * iOS 8.0+ only. Android is available since KitKat (4.4 / API 19).
 * @see
 * @see
 * @returns {Promise<Record<string, boolean>>} A promise that resolves with an object containing the stepCounter availability.
 * @property {boolean} supported - Whether the stepCounter is supported on device.
 * @property {boolean} granted - Whether user granted the permission.
export function isStepCountingSupported() {
  return StepCounter.isStepCountingSupported();

 * Start to subscribe stepCounter updates.
 * Only the past seven days worth of data is stored and available for you to retrieve.
 * Specifying a start date that is more than seven days in the past returns only the available data.
 * ### iOS
 * `CMStepCounter.startStepCountingUpdates` is deprecated since iOS 8.0. so used `CMPedometer.startUpdates` instead.
 * @see
 * @see
 * @param {Date} start A date indicating the start of the range over which to measure steps.
 * @param {StepCountUpdateCallback} callBack - This callback function makes it easy for app developers to receive sensor events.
 * @returns {Subscription} - Returns a Subscription that enables you to call.
 * When you would like to unsubscribe the listener, just use a method of subscriptions's `remove()`.
 * @example
 * const startDate = new Date();
 * startStepCounterUpdate(startDate).then((response) => {
 *    const data = parseStepCountData(response);
 * })
export function startStepCounterUpdate(start, callBack) {
  if (!StepCounter.startStepCounterUpdate) {
    throw new UnavailabilityError(NAME, eventName);
  const from = start.getTime();
  return StepEventEmitter.addListener(eventName, callBack);

 * Stop the step counter updates.
 * ### iOS
 * `CMStepCounter.stopStepCountingUpdates` is deprecated since iOS 8.0. so used `CMPedometer.stopUpdates` instead.
 * @see
 * @see
export function stopStepCounterUpdate() {
export { NAME, VERSION };
export default StepCounter;