
import TurboModuleRegistry from 'react-native/Libraries/TurboModule/TurboModuleRegistry';

 * `StepCountData` is an object with four properties: `distance`, `steps`, `startDate`, and `endDate`.
 * @typedef StepCountData object - The Object that contains the step count data.
 * @property {string} counterType - The type of counter used to count the steps.
 * @property {number} steps - The number of steps taken during the time period.
 * @property {number} startDate - The start date of the data.
 * @property {number} endDate - The end date of the data.
 * @property {number} distance - The distance in meters that the user has walked or run.
 * @property {number|undefined} floorsAscended - number of floors ascended (iOS only)
 * @property {number|undefined} floorsDescended - number of floors descended (iOS only)

export const NAME = 'StepCounter';
export const VERSION = '0.1.15';
export const eventName = 'StepCounter.stepCounterUpdate';
/* Getting enforcing the module from the registry. */
export default TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing('StepCounter');